Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Newest of the New World: 

Beginning of (hopefully) a year in Australia

Today marks my sixth day in Sydney, Australia.  Tues-Fri I was setting up shop- setting up a bank account, phone, food, etc. and applying for jobs and temp agencies.  Friday I got lucky with a connection through family in LA and got to go sailing on the harbour, Saturday I teamed up with a few people at my hostel and did a walk from Bondi beach (the most famous beach in Australia) down the coast past several beaches on to Coogee Beach and Maroubra beach and watched the surfers for a while.

The weather's been great, the hostel is a little dirty, but comfortable enough (it's a hostel, after all), and the only thing that bothers me is wondering how long it will take me to find work.  So far, everyone has reassured me that it should be pretty easy to come by.  So.  "No worries." :)

Random Notes from the week:

1.) If I don't mention where I'm from, people assume I'm Canadian.  Hmm.

2.) Tops are optional on most beaches, but don't go naked in the streets, evidently it's a $200 ticket.  And our hostel has great surveillance cameras, so everyone can watch the video the next day of your naked ass running out and back in when you got busted by the police and laugh at you, little Irish guy.

3.) There are an almost absurd number of very fit people here.  Oddly, a large number of smokers, too. (compared to the US, anyway)

4.) Was it a clothing store in the US?  Then it's a food store here. (Coles, Woolworth)

5.) A high number of "gingers" seemed to think it was a good idea to move to one of the most intensely sunny places on the planet.  I'm not quite sure how they survive.  

6.) Add together #3 and #5 and, evidently, you get a very high cancer rate.  Guess that makes sense.


Martony said...

Interesting start to your new adventure. Keep it going and I'll read it.. Thanks for sharing! Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Martony said...

Interesting start to your new adventure. Keep it going and I'll read it.. Thanks for sharing! Don't let the bed bugs bite

Kelly said...

Good luck with everything! I enjoyed your post.

A Jan said...

Good to hear from you! Keep it coming and good luck on the job hunt!

Heather said...

Thanks guys :)